a) The process starts with clinical consultation and assessment of the patient´s condition and complete bloodwork, including cancer markers.
b) The 1st ozone IV infusion or injection prepares the area for stem cell and exosome therapy.
c) We also recommend the Stem Cell Booster Implant, injected with a tiny needle into the abdomen. This contains nutrients derived from the placenta with other nutrients to nourish the injected stem cells and activate your body’s stem cells and enhance the healing process.
a) Depending on the condition to be treated, the attending doctor recommends the number of stem cells and/or exosomes to be used for the procedure. The amount ranges between 25 and 300 million mesenchymal stem cells plus 1 to 15 ml. of exosomes. These therapeutic doses depend on the type and severity of the condition and are formulated to give optimal results.
b) Each stem cell/exosome dose is mixed with the patient’s own ozonated platelet-rich plasma drawn and centrifuged that same day. This personalized mix provides the body with your own healing factors, powerful anti-inflammatory gas, and the tissue regenerative potential of stem cells. The exosomes help further the stem cells’ differentiation process.
The 2nd ozone IV infusion or injection is given, and if necessary, the doctor may recommend more ozone therapy. The patient may also be given Chelation therapy, vitamin/mineral IV infusion, and a session of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. We also provide a 2-month supply of nutrient capsules that will activate the stem cells within the body, promoting optimal health.
We work hard to ensure that our patients achieve optimal results following their treatment at our clinic and have a safe and enjoyable time during their stay in Los Cabos.
Monday to Friday From 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Plaza Esperanza,
Transpeninsular Highway Km 25,
Bv. Cerro Colorado, 23405
San José del Cabo, B.C.S., México
+52 624-688-8497.
If you have questions please reach out to our amazing patient care team by leaving us a message here or you can email us at info@prmedica-inc.com
Monday to Friday From 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Plaza Esperanza,
Transpeninsular Highway Km 25,
Bv. Cerro Colorado, 23405
San José del Cabo, B.C.S., México