Chemical Peeling

A chemical peel is a rejuvenating procedure that employs a range of chemical substances to accelerate cell turnover, hastening the process of skin cell renewal and effectively addressing various skin concerns. The outcomes depend on the chosen peel, aiming to refine fine lines, minimize pores, enhance skin texture, address scars, and correct surface-level hyperpigmentation.

Upon your initial medical assessment, our specialist will determine the most suitable chemical peel for your needs and determine its optimal synergy with other treatments to ensure optimal results.

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Monday to Friday From 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm


Plaza Esperanza,
Transpeninsular Highway Km 25,
Bv. Cerro Colorado, 23405
San José del Cabo, B.C.S., México

Phone Number

+52 624-688-8497.

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